Best Hit TV - “Space Between”

Best Hit TV - “Space Between”

Best Hit TV are carrying the torch for the next era of New Jersey indie rock. With a sound that’s reminiscent of Yo La Tengo and a similar aptitude for putting together cohesive sounding collections of songs, the Andrew Sheldon-led trio closed out 2023 with their second full-length, It Looks Like We Have A Crisis On Our Hands, a record full of twists, turns, takeoffs, and soft landings. Similar to its predecessor, Being Emotionally Manipulative Isn’t Very Punk Rock Of You, Sheldon manages to pack an array of emotions and sonic textures into the album format, an impressive feat in our largely singles-driven musical landscape. With that said, we’re singling out one track in particular, “Space Between,” for Song of the Week honors, but in doing so, it helps to understand its place on the record.

“Space Between” sits snugly in the middle of It Looks Like We Have A Crisis On Our Hands, following the livelier “Waiting” and preceding the winding and jammier “Birdsong,” which clocks in at a whopping 11 minutes and 32 seconds. Within the context of the album as a whole, the song acts as a transition, but such a description sells it short. With a sound that’s reminiscent of Yo La Tengo classics like “Our Way To Fall” and “Night Falls On Hoboken,” Sheldon softly recounts a late night “dancing to the Supremes” in the glow of cathode rays against a slow-burning rhythm, light, intermittently appearing synthesizers, and delicate, steady guitar playing. The song also features perfectly placed harmonies, layered vocals in the verses, and even a surprise brass section (listen closely for this nugget, you don’t want to miss it).

Stream the track below!

You can purchase the entire album via Bandcamp or stream it on your platform of choice. Keep up with Best Hit TV by following them on Instagram.

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