Mack Gordon of Theater In The Dark

Mack Gordon of Theater In The Dark

Words by Zach Romano

Look at my Records loves audio! Most of what we talk about here is music, whether recorded or live, but we are excited to branch out a bit and discuss a listening experience that LAMR listeners are sure to enjoy: Theatre in the Dark’s upcoming audio-only live over Zoom production (to be clear: production, not just reading!) of a modern adaptation of the H.G. Wells clasic A War of the Worlds. Tom and Zach recently sat down with friend of the pod and TitD founder Mack Gordon to discuss the show.

A War of the Worlds is unlike anything you’ve experienced before. Part play, part audiobook, and completely immersive, the production is designed to be the perfect form of socially distanced live entertainment. The show features an original score and effects that place the listener in the middle of Chicago during an alien invasion: “Because we had no visual element, we were able to lean more into the sound design part of it,” says Gordon. 

Check out our video interview to hear a lively conversation about how this innovative production came together across cities during quarantine, to hear Mack describe the best setup to optimally experience the show (including his choice of libation), to see where the magic happens in Mack’s apartment sound studio, and more. 

A War of the Worlds features six actors from across three cities, and is put on by a team that includes sound design from fellow friend of the pod Ross Burlingame. The show will be performed live via Zoom five to six nights per week from October 15 through November 21. Check out the full play schedule and purchase tickets starting at $10 at

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Steele FC

