Aluminum - "Behind My Mouth"

Aluminum - "Behind My Mouth"

San Francisco’s Aluminum are a 90s fever dream, but in a way that’s not your standard carbon copy. Instead, they’re adept at synthesizing several touchstones of alternative music from the decade into their sound. Their debut 2022 EP, Windowpane, definitely leaned into gaze-y sonic elements, with the hallmark swirling and fuzzy guitars playing a large role, but the band also displayed an affinity for crisp, poppy melodies. Two years later, the band seems to be placing more emphasis on the latter, as evidenced by the cleaner-sounding, rhythmic tone of “Behind My Mouth.” 

Bassist/Vocalist Ryann Gonsalves sounds like a cross between Kim Deal and that dog.’s Anna Waronker on “Behind My Mouth,” and her vocals give the track much of its character. Her voice comes through crisp and clear, nestled atop a psychedelic menagerie of rolling bass and swirling, kaleidoscopic guitars The track’s titular phrase anchors the chorus, as Gonsalves wryly inquires, “Do you ever see behind my mouth?”

Stream the track below!

“Behind My Mouth” will appear on Aluminum’s debut album, Fully Beat, which is out on May 24th via felte. You can pre-order the record on vinyl via Bandcamp. Keep up with the band by following them on Instagram.

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